i’m on tour


20/20 Vision in 2020

Start the year off with a bang as we help you get 20/20 vision in 2020. Clarity is the key to sight and without it there is no vision. Click the link below to get activated.



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Bronner 2020

Meet me at the Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show in February. I will be teaching two amazing dynamic and impactful classes. Click the link below to get your tickets!

Tone and Textures Unleashed - Room 211

Monday - February 10, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Knowing textures and their pre-genetic characteristics gives stylist the ability to be able to color, care, and style textured hair. This class will teach keys to color techniques, and chemistry of hair while maintaining the integrity of curls.

Build, Brand, and Grow - Room 213

Monday - February 10, 20203:00 PM - 04:30 PM

An aspect of business is to build, brand, and grow. This class will teach the difference between marketing and branding doing so through social media, visuals, and websites. Also targeting, understanding , and marketing to potential clientele.


Get On the bus

It’s time to take it back to school and back to the basics. Join Denise Michelle, and myself, and a host of other amazing stylist as we lead you in hands on education. Understanding the foundation and fundamentals of cutting is key to become a master cutter. Attending this hands on class will catapult your skills as a cutter and increase earnings by being able to offer superior cuts. Be my guest by clicking the link below and entering the code “ Jessica” . Can’t wait to see you there.


The Revamp

It’s time to relax your mind, get clear and build your business at a high level. We are not playing small in this new decade. I want you to take your rightful position and create a meaningful and FREEDOM based business that will allow you to get back the control over your life!